Session 1 - A New Way Of Thinking And Acting

Over the years we have heard some amazing stories from many people who have had their lives and families completely transformed by the messages of God’s amazing grace. We hope these glimpses into the heart of grace encourage you as they have us. Here are some of those stories:

- Your conference has taken me from feeling defeated as a single mom to being empowered by God’s grace. Thanks for letting me come. I can’t wait to start putting what I’ve learned into practice.

- I want to personally thank Dr. Kimmel for opening my eyes to the grace of God. I have given my life to God and want to raise my children the way He wants. My life as a parent has changed completely and forever and I want to say Thank You.

- The book, Grace Based Parenting, has changed my family! This book has literally been excruciating to read. It has exposed the extremes of our style of parenting and forced us to say that much of how and why we did things to our children were wrong. Our style of parenting was bearing ugly fruit that was very painful and destructive. It is hard to put into words the emotions we have gone through as parents – the grief, the guilt, the anger and the deep sadness.

And we were losing our son. The Christian boarding school we took him to required us to read this book and we are so thankful we did. The grace based message brought us to the realization that we were pharisaical parents based upon fear and not love and grace. We had kept things away from our children out of fear that they would turn to “worldly” things. This only pushed them toward the world and away from us. It caused a huge spiraling out of control mess until our 16 year old became so violence that he had to be kicked out of the house for the sake of our other children.

Grace Based Parenting helped us see that what we were doing was not working but actually harming our family and it helped us begin a whole new way of parenting in our home. We now have our son back and are on the road to reconciliation and restoration in our relationship with him. We have not arrived but we now have a grace based approach that includes Biblical standards and discipline too.

Grace Based parenting is a walk of faith, rather than formulas. It’s a strategy of connecting us to the heart of God that we can model to our own children. And it is working!

- The thing that impacted me the most was Tim’s emphasis on having a grace-based family. In only a few shorts days, I have noticed that the grace I have extended to my children, they are extending to each other. It is so exciting to see Tim’s words become a reality in our home…and this is just the beginning.

- I am a single parent of 2 little girls. I had a very rough time in my teens and early 20’s and I am now doing what I can to be a good mother. I really hope and pray that they do not have to go through the things that I did. I have been searching for resources to help me help them. The books and conference from you have made me so much more confident in my parenting and knowing I can do it. Thank you. God bless!

-My 8 year old son has ADHD and I can now look at him as a gift!! I won’t be Drill Sergeant Mommy so much. Now I can look at him in a different way and now I know the reason I chose his name which means “anointed”. I feel I understand him better!! Thank you so much!!

- Your message was so refreshing to us. Graced-Based parenting has been so freeing for us all....especially for our SWC [strong-willed child]! About a year ago, we read GraceBased Parenting and it was truly life-changing. We can't thank you enough.

- I felt very compelled to let Tim know how much this book has saved our relationship with our 17 year old son. It allowed me to show GRACE to my son the way GOD shows GRACE and not send him away but hold on tight and get through the tough times together. I will pass on the book to others in my shoes and praise GOD for the wisdom he gave to Tim when it comes to understanding youth and their spiritual, emotional and physical lives.

- Our six children are ages 20-7. I am a stay at home, home school mom, and my husband is a union carpenter. I recently checked out Grace Based Parenting from the library. This is the way I want to live. Thanks for writing it, Tim Kimmel! Is there a graced based wife book on your typewriter now?

- I read Grace Based Parenting this past fall and it has revolutionized the way that I parent my children. I have read many, many parenting books, however, no book has ever impacted me as much as this one. I read it with tears streaming down my face. To be honest, I think my family and friends are probably sick and tired of hearing me refer to this book! However, it has become one of my parenting manuals, second only to the Bible!!

- I am a school counselor in a middle school in North Carolina. I read Grace-Based Parenting and was truly blessed by Dr. Kimmel’s writing. I am now conducting a middle school parent book club (a first) with Grace Based Parenting. We have a huge group and the response has been incredible. Thank You for your message of Grace.

- After hearing a radio interview with Tim, I went out and read the book Grace Based Parenting. I was overwhelmed with emotion as I read this book and savored every page. What a new way to look at parenting! Thank you for spreading a powerful message of truth and grace.

-Tim has really tapped into what our parents of today need. I have started to apply his principles with my 3 and 5 year olds and it is working. I have studied many parenting books and now I have found the one that works. Buy this book, you will not ever regret it!

- I've been searching for a book like this for ten years! In preparation for the arrival of my first child in 1998, I read many Evangelical parenting books. But, as a first-time mom, I needed more than ennobling rhetoric and discipline techniques. I sought a comprehensive, Biblically-based framework for parenting that would help me to structure and evaluate my day-to-day interactions with my child. Kimmel's book provides the framework I've been searching for and is an outstanding addition to the Evangelical parenting literature. I especially appreciated the author's use of Scripture to develop his framework. My only regret is that I wasn't aware of this book when it first came out! As a final endorsement, I've ordered several other parenting books by Kimmel and have encouraged my church to consider asking Dr. Kimmel to give a seminar. Just wanted to let you know what a blessing your ministry has been to my family!

- Your information on strong-willed children is the best we have ever heard or read on this subject. For many years we listened to so called "experts" and it was such a huge mistake....we did more damage than good. Graced Based Parenting has been so freeing for us all. It was truly life-changing.

We look forward to hearing your stories as you complete this Grace Based Parenting DVD study and will give you an opportunity to share them with us at the end of Session 10.